First Aid: Adrenaline

(asked on 24th April 2024) - View Source

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask His Majesty's Government what guidance they have issued regarding the use of an adrenaline auto-injector on someone to whom it was not prescribed in a medical emergency.

Answered by
Lord Markham Portrait
Lord Markham
This question was answered on 30th April 2024

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has published guidance on the use of adrenaline auto-injectors in schools, and there is provision in this guidance for the use of an adrenaline auto-injector on someone to whom it was not prescribed, in a medical emergency. However, regulation 238 of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 provides an exemption from certain requirements related to the administration of medicines. Specifically, it allows for parenteral, rather than injected or absorbed, administration of specified medicines in emergency situations, where the purpose is to save a life. For instance, adrenaline prescribed for a specific person, or even to an unknown person, can be administered under this regulation, if it is necessary to save a life during an emergency. The use in emergencies is covered by schedule 19 and regulation 238, where age is not specified.

An Expert Advisory Group for Allergy was established in 2023, across the Government and clinical organisations, and chaired by the National Allergy Strategy Group and the Department, to recommend further action by the MHRA, Department of Health and Social Care, Department for Education, and the National Health Service. The Department of Health and Social Care and the MHRA are currently considering updates to the 2017 guidance, to ensure that any updated clarifications are supported by evidence, and that any open questions are answered.

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