Tourism: Coronavirus

(asked on 26th October 2021) - View Source

Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:

To ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to support the recovery of the UK tourism industry from the COVID-19 pandemic.

This question was answered on 8th November 2021

The Government has provided over £35 billion of support in the form of tax reliefs, grants, and loans to the leisure, hospitality, and tourism sectors throughout the pandemic in recognition of the severe impact of COVID-19 on tourism across the UK.

In June the Government published a Tourism Recovery Plan setting out a comprehensive framework for rebuilding the sector, including an ambition to recover domestic tourism to pre- pandemic levels by the end of 2022 and inbound visitor volumes by the end of 2023 both at least a year faster than independent forecasts predict. The recently launched £8 million National Lottery Days Out scheme to encourage domestic trips in the off-peak autumn season is just one example of measures being put in place to support the sector at this time.

In addition to the Levelling Up Fund, the 101 Towns Deals, and the City and Growth Deals in Scotland and Wales, the October Budget announced the Government’s plans to support local high streets as they adapt and recover from the pandemic. The Government is introducing a new temporary business rates relief in England for eligible retail, hospitality, and leisure properties for 2022-23, worth almost £1.7 billion. Over 90% of retail, hospitality and leisure businesses will receive at least 50% off their business rates bills in 2022-23.

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