
(asked on 18th March 2024) - View Source

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask His Majesty's Government what steps they have taken to impede Hamas acquiring or retaining the resources to make war.

This question was answered on 8th April 2024

As we have said, removing Hamas' capacity to launch attacks against Israel and Hamas no longer being in charge of Gaza are among the vital elements for a lasting peace.

The UK has already imposed sanctions on key figures in Hamas' leadership, disrupting the terrorist group's financial networks which sustain their operation, including from Iran. A third tranche of sanctions was announced by FCDO in January. On 27 March the UK announced further sanctions on individuals linked to a Hamas-supporting media network. The UK continues to work closely with our partners to identify further opportunities to disrupt Hamas' financial networks, including cutting off access to funding being used to carry out atrocities.

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