Prime Minister: Databases

(asked on 29th February 2024) - View Source

Question to the Cabinet Office:

To ask His Majesty's Government what projects have been undertaken by the 10 Downing Street Data Science Team since its establishment, and in each case what were the objectives and outcomes, and what is the current status, of these projects.

Answered by
Baroness Neville-Rolfe Portrait
Baroness Neville-Rolfe
Shadow Minister (Cabinet Office)
This question was answered on 14th March 2024

The No10 Data Science Team has a remit to improve the way in which key decisions are informed by data, analysis, and evidence using cutting-edge data science techniques. This enables the Government to use the best available evidence, throughout the policy and decision-making process, to drive long-term systems change and enable staff to collectively solve the most pressing policy challenges. They also use data to track delivery of government priority programs, working closely with Delivery Unit. The Government would not normally comment on the details of policy development and formation nor the process by which collective decisions are made across government.

The team also runs a transformation program including: (1) project rAPId, a free, open source, lightweight data sharing system; (2) the No10 Innovation Fellowships, bringing industry expertise in AI into central government on year-long secondments to improve public services; (3) Evidence House, a program to upskill civil servants in data science, AI and software engineering; and crowdsource technical solutions to complex problems; and (4) creating and managing the new Incubator for Artificial Intelligence, a 30-strong team of AI experts who are working on rapid delivery of AI projects in line with the Prime Minister’s priorities.

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