To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of discrimination against older people, especially in the workplace; and whether the Office for Equality and Opportunity is reviewing this area.
Unlawful age discrimination is unacceptable, whether occurring in employment, the provision of services or any other context covered by the Equality Act 2010. Any differential treatment based on age must be objectively justifiable, otherwise it will rightly be unlawful.
In a workplace context the abolition of the default retirement age has helped older workers and where unlawful treatment is alleged, the employee may take their case to an employment tribunal. As a first step in any dispute, the parties may consult Acas which operates a Government-funded helpline for people with employment disputes and early conciliation by Acas is required before a claim reaches a tribunal hearing.
The Government keeps all aspects of the Equality Act 2010 under review, to ensure they remain fit for purpose.