Conduct Committee

(asked on 19th July 2021) - View Source


To ask the Senior Deputy Speaker what (1) qualifications, and (2) experience, in (a) human resources, (b) parliamentary procedure, and (c) bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct, the lay members of the Conduct Committee have.

This question was answered on 22nd July 2021

The lay members of the Conduct Committee were not required to demonstrate specific qualifications or experience in any particular field, and the Committee had no preconceptions as to their professional backgrounds. Candidates were asked to demonstrate senior level experience in a complex organisation in the public, private or not-for-profit sectors; excellent analytical and decision-making skills; and personal qualities such as assertiveness and resilience. The biographies of the four lay members were circulated to members of the House at the time of their appointment, and collectively they bring a diversity of experience and an independent perspective to the work of the Committee.

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