Question to the Department for Education:
To ask His Majesty's Government whether they intend to include an assessment of the unique challenges facing further education colleges and institutions in their ongoing curriculum and assessment review.
The government has established an independent Curriculum and Assessment Review, covering ages 5 to 18, chaired by Professor Becky Francis CBE. The terms of reference were published in July and can be found here:
The review will seek to address the key problems and hard barriers to achievement in curriculum and assessment, including post-16 education. It will look at ensuring all young people aged 16 to 19 have access to rigorous and high-value qualifications and training that will give them the skills they need to ensure they are ready for the changing workplace.
Professor Francis is supported by an expert group of individuals with experience throughout the education system. Primary, secondary and post-16 sectors are represented to give due authority and respect to the expertise of education professionals in shaping the curriculum and outcomes they deliver.
The review will be undertaken in close consultation with education professionals and other experts, parents, children and young people, and stakeholders such as employers, colleges, universities and trade unions.
The Review Group has recently launched a call for evidence, which sets out key questions and themes where it would particularly welcome input, closing on 22 November. The review will also include a range of engagement activity across every region during the autumn term, including visits to schools and colleges, as well as Q&A events and discussions with young people.
The Review Group will publish an interim report in the new year setting out their interim findings and confirming the key areas for further work. The final review with recommendations will be published in autumn 2025.