European Union: Legislative Competence

(asked on 28th July 2014) - View Source

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask Her Majesty’s Government, following the statement of the Foreign Secretary on the Andrew Marr Show on 20 July, which powers of the European Union they consider must be repatriated to Member States; what they consider should be done at national level and what should be done at a European level, and how the they propose to secure those changes.

Answered by
Baroness Warsi Portrait
Baroness Warsi
This question was answered on 11th August 2014

The UK is working with partners to achieve a reformed European Union (EU), that is more competitive, flexible and democratically accountable. This includes ensuring that action is taken at a national level wherever possible and at EU level only where necessary.

We have already made progress over reforms such as bringing fish stock decisions from pan-EU to regional level and removing UK liability for any further Eurozone bailouts. We will continue with partners to make sure decisions are only made at EU level where they cannot be better made at national level.

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