Israel: Palestinians

(asked on 9th April 2019) - View Source

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon on 3 April (HL14802), what (1) steps they have taken, and (2) representations they have made, to the government of Israel about changing and improving the detention practices used by that government in relation to Palestinian children since the publication of the report by a delegation of British lawyers on the treatment of Palestinian children under Israeli military law Children in Military Custody in June 2012; whether they intend to take further steps, involving international organisations, in regard to the detention practices that government uses; if so, what; and if not, why not.

This question was answered on 16th April 2019

The treatment of Palestinian children in Israeli military detention remains an important concern for the UK. While welcoming the positive steps that Israel has taken since the last review in 2012, we continue to call upon Israel to improve its practices in line with international law and obligations. Officials at our Embassy in Tel Aviv raised our concerns about children in detention with the Israeli authorities on 18 March 2019 and reiterated the UK’s offer of expert discussions on the issue. We also raised the issue in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Annual Human Rights Report, and on the international stage, including at the UN Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review of Israel in January 2018.

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