Question to the Home Office:
To ask Her Majesty's Government what research briefings have been (1) produced for, and (2) commissioned by the Lead Commissioner for Countering Extremism; what was the subject of any such briefing; and if provided by an external party, who that was.
The independent Commission for Countering Extremism’s study into the threat we face from extremism and the current response, including advice on new policies to tackle it, will report to the Home Secretary and be published shortly. The Government expects the Lead Commissioner’s report to include advice on the Commission’s future structures, work programme and, if necessary, the appointment of further commissioners.
Once the Commission’s has reported to the Home Secretary on its study and it’s been published, the Government’s response will be a decision for the Home Secretary.
The Commission for Countering Extremism’s public Charter is clear that it’s a transparent body operating independently of the Government. This independence extends to its decision about who it engages with and the methodologies and content of its reports.