To ask Her Majesty’s Government how many statutory instruments from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills have been laid this calendar year; of those, what percentage corrected errors in a previous instrument (including drafts of affirmative instruments that had to be superseded by correcting drafts); and what steps that Department is taking to reduce the need for correcting instruments.
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has laid 71 statutory instruments
(SI’s) in this year to date. The table below shows those that have been identified as
correcting errors in previous SI’s and the SI’s corrected.
The legal advisers in the Department for Business have this year reviewed and refreshed
both the processes for the checking of SI’s and the training given to lawyers on drafting
SI’s. This should reduce the incidence of drafting errors.
The Copyright and Duration of Rights in Performances (Amendment) Regulations 2014 [2014/434] | Corrects an error in SI 2013/1782 |
The Patents (Amendment) Rules 2014 [2014/578] | Corrects an error in SI 2007/3291 |
The Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) (Amendment) (No 3) 2014 [2014/787] | Corrects an error in SI 2014/271 |
The Enterprise Act 2002 (Protection of Legitimate Interests) Order 2014 [2014/891] | Corrects an error in SI 2003/1592 |
The Copyright (Regulation of Relevant Licensing Bodies) Regulations 2014[2014/898] | Supersedes draft Statutory Instrument of the same title laid before Parliament on 5 February and published on 10 February |
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Amendment) Regulations 2014 [2014/1771] | Corrects an error in SI 2013/3113 |
The European Union (Definition of Treaties) (Convention on Internal Interests in Mobile Equipment and Protocol thereto on matters specific to Aircraft Equipment) Order 2014 [2014/1885] | Supersedes draft Statutory Instrument of the same title laid before Parliament on 11 March and published on 13 March |
The table does not include drafts of affirmative instruments which were superseded by a further draft in identical form by reason of affirmative resolutions not having been obtained before the end of the 2013-2014 Parliamentary session and the identical draft being laid in the 2014-2015 session.