Medical Records: Data Protection

(asked on 14th June 2021) - View Source

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the NHS Digital project to collect General Practice data for planning and research in England, whether they plan to place documents relating to the (1) transparency, (2) accountability, and (3) risks of the project in the Library of the House; and if so, when.

Answered by
Lord Bethell Portrait
Lord Bethell
This question was answered on 5th August 2021

We have no plans to do so. NHS Digital has published a transparency notice and privacy notice for the programme, which is available in an online only format.

The Data Provision Notice for the data collection outlines that NHS Digital have responsibility and accountability for the dissemination of data as the Data Controller under the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulations. Following the deferral of the implementation of the programme for further engagement with stakeholders, the Data Provision Notice has been withdrawn to reflect these discussions.

The Data Protection Impact Assessment for the data collection which details the privacy related risks and mitigations will also be published online following its final assurance processes.

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