Budget March 2023: Equality

(asked on 20th April 2023) - View Source


What discussions she has had with the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the equality impact of the Spring Budget 2023.

Answered by
Stuart Andrew Portrait
Stuart Andrew
Opposition Chief Whip (Commons)
This question was answered on 26th April 2023

Providing increased opportunities for all, including the most vulnerable in society, has been at the centre of the decisions taken at Spring Budget 2023. Older people, women, individuals from ethnically diverse backgrounds and disabled people are amongst those who will benefit from the actions taken, demonstrating this Government’s belief in fairness and equality of opportunity.

In developing proposals for the Spring Budget, the Treasury takes care to consider the equality impacts on those sharing protected characteristics, including gender, race, and disability, in line with both its legal obligations and this Government’s strong commitment to promoting fairness.

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