
(asked on 10th January 2024) - View Source

Question to the Home Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, whether his Department plans to respond to the legal review by the Commission for Countering Extremism entitled Operating with impunity, published on 24 February 2021.

Answered by
Tom Tugendhat Portrait
Tom Tugendhat
This question was answered on 24th January 2024

The Commission for Countering Extremism provides valuable advice and expertise to my department and across Government on how to raise awareness and understanding of extremist ideologies so that we can tackle radicalisation and extremist activity.

Since the Operating with Impunity report was published in early 2021, there have been a number of changes to strengthen the Government’s approach to tackling extremism.

We continue to consider the recommendations made in the Operating with Impunity report in our work to counter extremism in the United Kingdom.

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