Trade Agreements: Australia

(asked on 10th October 2022) - View Source

Question to the Department for International Trade:

To ask the Secretary of State for International Trade, with reference to the ratification of the UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement, when mutual recognition of legal qualifications between those countries will be introduced.

Answered by
Greg Hands Portrait
Greg Hands
This question was answered on 17th October 2022

The UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) will facilitate the recognition of professional qualifications in professional services, such as legal services, including through supporting regulators’ work towards mutual recognition arrangements.

Specifically in relation to legal services, the FTA sets up a legal services regulatory dialogue. The dialogue establishes structured engagement between the UK and Australian legal professions with the aim of addressing remaining barriers to practising law locally in each market such as those relating to requalification.

It is our intention to ratify the FTA at the earliest opportunity so that businesses can reap the benefits.

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