Refugees: Ukraine

(asked on 2nd September 2022) - View Source

Question to the Home Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, whether relationship breakdown due to (a) domestic abuse, (b) bereavement and (c) other reasons would affect a person's entitlement to a visa (i) under the Ukraine Family Scheme, (ii) as the third-country national family member of a Ukrainian and (iii) other visa schemes for Ukrainian refugees.

Answered by
Tom Pursglove Portrait
Tom Pursglove
This question was answered on 8th September 2022

Where a person has already entered the UK using a visa issued under the Ukraine Family Scheme, the Homes for Ukraine Scheme or has had their leave extended under the Ukraine Extension Scheme, should they become the victim of domestic abuse or become bereaved, the leave granted to them under the relevant scheme would remain valid.

Where the person has yet to make an application to one of the schemes, whether they are in the UK or abroad, they will still need to meet the requirements of the relevant scheme. Under each of the schemes, decision makers are able consider any exceptional circumstances and apply discretion where appropriate.

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