Department of Energy and Climate Change: Procurement

(asked on 29th June 2015) - View Source


To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, what steps her Department is taking to improve its delivery of major projects.

Answered by
Andrea Leadsom Portrait
Andrea Leadsom
This question was answered on 6th July 2015

We are improving the skills of the project leaders of our major projects through attendance at the Major Projects Leadership Academy established by the Major Projects Authority.

Similar training is available to others working on major projects. The Department also has a range of guidance, in-house training and specialist support available to those working on its projects and work to establish the Project Delivery profession in DECC is underway.

DECC’s major projects also benefit from assurance provided within the department from their own governance structures, scrutiny of progress from the relevant corporate governance Committees and external assurance provided through the Major Projects Authority.

The effectiveness of all of these activities is regularly assessed so that improvements can be made when needed.

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