Venezuela: Politics and Government

(asked on 11th July 2016) - View Source

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, what recent reports he has received on the steps taken by the Venezuelan government in response to shortages of basic commodities and political unrest in that country.

Answered by
Alan Duncan Portrait
Alan Duncan
This question was answered on 2nd August 2016

The Government shares the concern of the international community regarding the deteriorating political, economic and social situation in Venezuela.

We have urged all sides to work constructively in the best interests of the country and the people of Venezuela. We support the planned dialogue between the Venezuelan Government and Opposition, facilitated by the Union of South American Nations regional body.

We are aware of the acute shortages of basic foods and medicines. On 10 July, parts of Venezuela’s border with Colombia were opened temporarily for the first time since August 2015. This allowed thousands of Venezuelans to cross into Colombia to purchase basic food and medicines. Foreign and Commonwealth Office officials are in contact with their counterparts in the Department for International Development and the EU to discuss what future assistance might be offered, if asked by the Venezuelan Government

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