Home Education

(asked on 26th February 2025) - View Source

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what steps her Department is taking with relevant authorities to support parents who educate their children at home.

Answered by
Stephen Morgan Portrait
Stephen Morgan
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Education)
This question was answered on 6th March 2025

While parents who choose to home educate assume full responsibility for their child’s education, the department believes that parents, educational providers and local authorities should work together to deliver the best educational outcomes for every child.

As part of the Children Not in School measures included in the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill, the department is introducing the first ever duty on local authorities to provide support for home educating families. This support duty will ensure that parents who choose to home educate their children will receive a minimum level of support from their local authority should they request it.

The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill also includes measures for the introduction of statutory Children Not in School registers in every local authority in England, and an accompanying duty on parents and out-of-school education providers to provide information for these registers. The information provided will enable local authorities to identify all children who are not in school in their area, including children who are home educated, as well as any specific support needs that they might have. Collecting this information will ensure that local authorities are better able to provide appropriate support in the form of advice and information to those children and their families should they request it.

The department continues to work with local authorities to collect information from existing voluntary registers of children not in school through the department’s mandatory termly elective home education data collection. This helps further build the national picture as to what support home educating parents may need.

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