Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:
To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, if she will make it her policy to make the reuse and recycling of materials a material consideration in the granting of planning permission for a replacement building; and what her policy is on local authorities adopting such regulatory requirements.
The National Planning Policy for Waste (NPPW), which is a material consideration in planning decisions, already includes policies on the reuse and recycling of materials when considering development proposals.
Paragraph 8 sets out that when determining planning applications for non-waste development, local planning authorities should, to the extent appropriate to their responsibilities, ensure that the handling of waste arising from the construction and operation of development maximises reuse and recovery opportunities, and minimises off-site disposal.
The planning practice guidance for waste include further advice on this matter.
In addition, chapter 17 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) outlines further policy to support the consideration and use of recycled materials.