Parliamentary Estate: Lead

(asked on 4th February 2025) - View Source


To ask the hon. Member for Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney, representing the House of Commons Commission, whether the Commission has tested for lead levels on the parliamentary estate.

Answered by
Nick Smith Portrait
Nick Smith
This question was answered on 19th February 2025

We are aware lead is present in the Palace of Westminster and other older buildings on the estate, particularly underneath existing paintwork. When left undisturbed lead does not pose a risk to users of the buildings.

Where relevant, lead is tested for as part of surveys during the construction project process, and this is carried out in accordance with the control measures and guidelines set by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002. We also carry out paint analysis, to gather information on the building history, original appearance, and techniques used, and this will also reveal if lead is present in the paint.

While we follow all appropriate control measures as set by the Health and Safety Executive, we do not record lead levels or routinely test for lead outside of project works involving known lead as it is not a statutory requirement to do so.

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