Candidates: Expenditure

(asked on 21st January 2025) - View Source


To ask the Right hon. Member for Kenilworth and Southam, representing the Speaker's Committee on the Electoral Commission, pursuant to the Answer of 8 January 2025 to Question 22034 on Candidates: Expenditure, whether such notional invoices need to provide detail on (a) how items have been split between different candidates and (b) which individual suppliers were used and at what cost.

Answered by
Jeremy Wright Portrait
Jeremy Wright
This question was answered on 23rd January 2025

There is no leal requirement for an invoice for notional spending where it is reported in a candidate return. The requirement is for agents to make a declaration of the value of the notional spending. However, additional information about the nature of the spending could be included to show that the value declared accurately represents the services received and used by the campaign. This could include how the items have been split between different candidates and the costs of individual suppliers.

This information may be included with the return in a notional invoice from the party or any other organisation providing the items. If a return does not include evidence for the value of notional spending, and there is a question about its accuracy, the police, may need to seek this information through an investigation, to ensure that the amount decared is accurate.

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