Bradfield School Sheffield: Sixth Form Education

(asked on 22nd February 2019) - View Source

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what plans the Department have to replace the sixth form places lost as a result of the closure of Bradfield School Sixth Form in Sheffield Hallam.

Answered by
Anne Milton Portrait
Anne Milton
This question was answered on 1st March 2019

Local authorities are responsible for making sure that provision meets the needs of young people in their area.

The statutory duty to secure sufficient suitable education and training provision for all young people in their area lies with local authorities. Therefore, it is for Sheffield City Council to decide if there is a gap in provision or if students are able to access sufficient suitable places at other providers. If the local authority is able to provide evidence of a gap in provision, it should contact the Education and Skills Funding Agency to discuss options for filling that gap. This could include commissioning additional places if necessary.

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