T-levels: Science

(asked on 18th February 2019) - View Source

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, whether students will be able to progress from a science T-level to a laboratory technician apprenticeship incorporating a level 4 qualification.

Answered by
Anne Milton Portrait
Anne Milton
This question was answered on 26th February 2019

With additional teaching hours and a meaningful industry placement, we are confident that T levels will give students the knowledge and skills needed to get a skilled job, either immediately or after higher technical education (for example an appropriate level 4 apprenticeship where it is offered by an employer). The outline content for the Science T level has been developed by a panel of employers and other experts (including GlaxoSmithKline and the Royal Society of Chemistry), who have defined the skills needed to give students the best chance of progressing to a relevant job or higher level study, including a laboratory technician apprenticeship.

T levels in Science, Healthcare Science and Health will roll out from September 2021. We recently launched the expression of interest process for providers wishing to deliver T levels in 2021.

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