Carer's Allowance: Overpayments

(asked on 16th April 2024) - View Source

Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, with reference to paragraph 3.18 of the National Audit Office report entitled Investigation into overpayments of Carer’s Allowance, published on 26 April 2019, what changes were made to the business rules of the Verify Earnings and Pensions Service that revised downwards the number of alerts that were forecast to be generated from 380,000 to 75,000.

Answered by
Paul Maynard Portrait
Paul Maynard
This question was answered on 24th April 2024

A review of rules has provided a streamlined approach to the identification of VEP rules, enabling alignment with the latest HMRC data that feeds into DWP Real Time Earnings (RTE) system.

Examples of improvements include benefit specific rules, such as details of fluctuations in income, one off payments and irregular payments revision.

The Department is constantly reviewing available resources against priorities.

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