Social Security Benefits

(asked on 10th December 2014) - View Source

Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, by what means and indicators his Department measures the success of performance measurement review officers.

Answered by
Mark Harper Portrait
Mark Harper
This question was answered on 15th December 2014

The Department has a People Performance policy which is applicable to all its staff below the senior civil service level. This policy provides a framework for managing performance throughout the year, Performance Measurement review officers have key work objectives set in April at the start of the reporting year and they have, as a minimum, monthly performance discussions with their line manager. As part of managing performance a review officer will be accompanied by their line manager on a number of visits each year and in addition the line manager will telephone a number of claimants that have been visited to check the quality of that visit. At the end of the reporting year the Review Officer is given a final reporting rating.

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