Question to the Scotland Office:
To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland, pursuant to the Answer of 11 November 2014 to Question 213288, what the name and job title is of each member of the programme board.
The members of the HMRC's Scotland Act Implementation Programme Board are:
Sarah Walker (HMRC, Senior Business Sponsor)
Geoff Yapp (HMRC, Senior Business Sponsor Stamp Duty Land Tax)
Angela Walker (HMRC, Senior Business Sponsor Scottish Rate of Income Tax)
David Swift (HMRC, Deputy Director - Strategic Finance Budget Controller)
Sean Neill (Scottish Government)
HMT, (Fiscal Devolution)
Scotland Office, (Economic Adviser)
HMRC, (Internal Audit)
HMRC, (Programme Manager)
HMRC, (Landfill Tax Policy)
HMRC, (Chief Digital Information Office).
Freedom of Information principles have been applied and names of staff below SCS grade are not released.