Local Government: Publications

(asked on 19th November 2014) - View Source

Question to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities:

To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, which local authorities he has written to about the frequency of their publications since entry into force of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.

Answered by
Kris Hopkins
This question was answered on 12th March 2015

The Coalition Agreement outlined this Government's clear intention to protect the independent free press by tackling unfair competition from local authority newspapers, reflecting the manifesto commitments of both Coalition parties.

Localism needs robust and independent scrutiny by the press and public.

The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 gives the Secretary of State the power to direct compliance with the provisions in the Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity ('the Publicity Code'). Ministers have clearly stated that they are prepared to use those powers, if necessary, where local authorities are failing to comply with the provisions in the Code.

In March 2014, Ministers wrote to Greenwich, Hackney, Newham, Nottingham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest councils requesting that they take steps to ensure their councils comply with the Publicity Code.

In April 2014, formal notice that the Secretary of State was minded to direct compliance with the provisions in Code were served on Greenwich, Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest councils. In August 2014, Ministers wrote to Enfield, Hillingdon, Lambeth, Luton, Medway, Mid Devon and North Somerset Councils, requesting they comply with the Publicity Code.

In September 2014, further formal notice that the Secretary of State was minded to direct compliance with the provisions in the Publicity Code was served on Enfield, Greenwich, Hackney, Hillingdon, Lambeth, Luton, Newham, North Somerset, Medway, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest councils.

In October 2014, North Somerset Council wrote to confirm that they would be complying with the Code, terminating contracts for printing and distribution.

This illustrates that we have taken extensive steps to encourage councils to review their practices, given that central intervention is the last resort. Subsequently, I can tell the House:

As stated in the Written Ministerial Statement of 17 December 2014 (Official Report, Column 91WS), in December 2014, the Secretary of State has issued a direction against the London Borough of Tower Hamlets and appointed Commissioners. The intervention package includes steps to ensure the Council's publicity functions are properly exercised and ensure compliance with the Code.

As stated in my Written Ministerial Statement of 3 March 2015 (Official Report, Column 49WS), the Secretary of State issued a direction to the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

As stated in my Written Ministerial Statement of 10 March 2015 (Official Report, Column 6WS), the Secretary of State has published notices of directions that he proposes to issue to the London Boroughs of Hackney, Newham and Waltham Forest.

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