Small Businesses

(asked on 18th November 2014) - View Source


To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, what additional support he plans to give small and medium-sized businesses in the UK.

Answered by
Matt Hancock Portrait
Matt Hancock
This question was answered on 24th November 2014

Small businesses are vital to our economy and our small business owners have driven this economic recovery. The Inverclyde constituency has benefitted from a number of support schemes. The Business Bank’s Start-Up Loan programme has already provided 16 loans, with a value of £55,000, to people starting a business in Inverclyde. And since May 2010, the Enterprise Finance Guarantee Scheme has supported loans in the area with a total value of £970,000.

We are committed to making Britain the best place in the world to start and grow a business, and are doing this in a number of ways:

  • £10 billion of financing will be unlocked for smaller business over the next 5 years by our British Business Bank;
  • Government grants of up to £3,000 for better internet connectivity are available to small businesses;
  • The Business Support Helpline is available to provide bespoke information and advice;
  • Cuts to corporation tax from 28% to 21%; and
  • £2,000 cut from the National Insurance bills of small firms from the new Employment Allowance.

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