
(asked on 10th November 2014) - View Source

Question to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, what steps his Department has taken to implement the conclusions and recommendations of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2010-12, HC 792-I, on football governance; and what further such steps it plans to take.

Answered by
Helen Grant Portrait
Helen Grant
Shadow Solicitor General
This question was answered on 18th November 2014

This Government is dedicated to continuing the implementation of this report.

I continue to press the football authorities for improvements in their governance of the sport, however significant improvements have been made. For example, the FA Board now meets Sport England governance requirements. Both the Premier League and The FA are providing funding to the supporter groups, including the Football Supporters Federation and Supporters Direct. All Premier League and Football League clubs are now required to have a designated Supporter Liaison Officer and Financial Fair Play rules. These requirements aim to improve financial stability and management across the Leagues. The Expert Group on barriers to supporter ownership and engagement, were proposed by Supporters Direct, and recently launched on 21 October.

Following the 2012 Downing Street summit on racism in football, The FA are also now delivering against a whole sport Inclusion and Anti-Discrimination Plan called “Football’s for Everyone”. This plan seeks to build equality and inclusion in football.

Lastly, I am also pleased to note that the FA Inclusion Advisory Board reports quarterly to DCMS on their progress.

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