Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:
To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, when all licensed import and distribution terminals will be fully post-Buncefield compliant.
In 2008 the Competent Authority (CA) published the containment policy, a framework for upgrading existing fuel sites so far as is reasonably practicable. Upgrades are being prioritised at higher risk sites and where measures are aimed at preventing release of fuel from tanks. In order to avoid disrupting operations and supplies, the upgrading work is being phased. All necessary upgrades are expected to be complete by 2028.
The 87 fuel terminals and 7 refineries have already completed many of the high risk and low cost improvements required. Improvement plans for upgrading storage tanks at the fuel terminals have also been agreed with the CA and progress against plans is monitored on an annual basis. A new risk assessment method for the very large tanks at the oil refineries was agreed with the CA in October this year and the refineries will submit their upgrading plans for approval by March 2015.