Public Health

(asked on 10th September 2014) - View Source

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how many directors of public health in England were qualified members of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine in 2010; and how many such directors are such members now.

Answered by
Jane Ellison
This question was answered on 13th October 2014

There were 151 directors of public health (DPH) posts in 2010. At 11 September 2014, there were 131 permanent Director of Public Health posts, including shared arrangements.

As at 11 September 2014, 125 of 131 post holders (including interim post holders) were members of the Faculty of Public Health. The Department does not hold information on how many DPH in England were qualified members of the Faculty of Public Health in relation to 2010.

The Department does not collect information on the line management of DPH, although a survey undertaken in November 2013 by the Association of Directors of Public Health showed that 78% of respondents were reporting either to the chief executive of the local authority or to what it termed as a ‘super director’, including other heads of paid service.

Of the 131 DPH (including interim post holders) at 11 September 2014, 64 were licenced medical practitioners registered with the General Medical Council. The Department does not hold information how many directors of public health in England were qualified in medicine to Bachelor/Medicine level in relation to 2010.

In 2010, 127 of 151 DPH posts were filled by permanent appointments.

As at 11 September 2014, 107 of 131 posts were filled with permanent appointments. All vacancies were covered by interim appointments.

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