Coronavirus: Vaccination

(asked on 25th March 2024) - View Source

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, if the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency will establish an expert review panel to investigate the cause of death for reports of suspected (i) fatal outcomes and (ii) adverse reactions in patients who have received a covid-19 vaccine.

Answered by
Maria Caulfield Portrait
Maria Caulfield
This question was answered on 15th April 2024

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) role is to ensure that the benefits associated with a medicinal product outweigh the known risks, at the time of first authorisation and thereafter. Whilst the MHRA seeks expert advice from the Commission on Human Medicines and its expert advisory groups on the likelihood of an association between a COVID-19 vaccine and a safety concern, this is based on the totality of evidence from Yellow Card data, and relevant information from other sources. Should a new link between a medicine and a safety concern be confirmed, the MHRA will take necessary regulatory action, such as updating product information to include a warning for patients and healthcare professionals.

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