Personal Independence Payment: ICT

(asked on 19th October 2023) - View Source

Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, whether all (a) claimant tribunal decisions are held on the Personal Independence Payment Computer System and (b) assessment provider health professionals have access to (i) those decisions and (ii) other relevant supporting evidence when making a recommendation on whether a benefit should continue to be awarded.

Answered by
Tom Pursglove Portrait
Tom Pursglove
This question was answered on 25th October 2023

In response to part (a), we can confirm that PIPCS does hold details of tribunal decisions. The decision itself is held as a digital image.

In response to part (b), providers would be able to see the outcome of the tribunal decision. They can view supporting evidence held, including documents sent in by a claimant to support an appeal. These would be scanned and held on PIPCS. Providers can also see information input by DWP Service Delivery colleagues in Decision Assist notes, as well as any ephemeral documents held on the system.

The tribunal decision and supporting information can be used by providers to support their recommendations.

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