To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, whether export licences to Syria have been granted for the period since 1 July 2012; and if he will describe any such material so exported.
Five Standard Individual Export Licences (SIELs) and one Open Individual Export Licence (OIEL) have been granted.
The information provided relates to goods or services that have been licensed for export. The licences were granted to international and humanitarian organisations to support and protect staff working in these organisations. The six licences granted authorise export of the following:
SIEL for: components for body armour;
SIEL for: NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) protective/defensive equipment;
SIEL for: body armour, components for body armour, military helmets;
SIEL for: body armour, military helmets;
SIEL for: components for all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection;
OIEL for: cryptographic software; equipment employing cryptography.
The licences were granted to international and humanitarian organisations to support and protect staff working in these organisations.