Housing: Solar Power

(asked on 19th July 2023) - View Source

Question to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities:

To ask the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, with reference to CPRE, the countryside charity’s report entitled Shout from the rooftops: delivering a common sense solar revolution, published in May 2023, whether he plans to ensure that the Future Homes Standard requires roof space-mounted solar arrays to be installed on new homes.

Answered by
Lee Rowley Portrait
Lee Rowley
This question was answered on 6th September 2023

Renewable energy, such as that generated from solar panels, is a key part of our strategy to get to net zero.

Not all homes are suitable for solar panels. For instance, some homes are heavily shaded due to nearby buildings or trees.

Under the Future Homes Standard, the Building Regulations will continue to set performance-based standards. Our approach to achieving higher standards will remain technology-neutral, to provide flexibility to choose the most appropriate and cost-effective solutions.

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