Supported Housing: Older People

(asked on 5th November 2018) - View Source

Question to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities:

To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, what steps his Department is taking to help older people on low incomes who need supported accommodation.

Answered by
Heather Wheeler Portrait
Heather Wheeler
This question was answered on 16th November 2018

The Government values the important role supported housing plays in enabling vulnerable, older people to live independently. In England, my Department, along with the Department for Health and Social Care, provides capital grant funding to supported housing providersto promote development of increased supply of sheltered and supported housing for rent in the social housing sector at subsidised levels and also for low cost home ownership including Older Persons’ Shared Ownership. Social housing, including supported and sheltered housing in the social sector, is prioritised for people in identified housing need, including those who have medical and welfare needs. Older residents of sheltered, extra-care and other supported housing on low incomes may be eligible for Housing Benefit to help with rental costs. This is a means tested benefit so if they are on a low income this will be reflected in how much Housing Benefit they might receive. In addition, they may also be eligible for other income support through the welfare system.

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