Airports: National Policy Statements

(asked on 7th June 2018) - View Source

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what estimate he has made of the number of new pages of documentation that have been published as part of his Department's Airport National Policy Statement on 5 June; and if he will provide a list of those documents.

Answered by
Jesse Norman Portrait
Jesse Norman
This question was answered on 12th June 2018

The Department has made no estimate of the pages of new information published.

On 5 June, the Secretary of State laid in Parliament the Airports National Policy Statement (NPS). As required under the Planning Act 2008, this was accompanied by an Appraisal of Sustainability and the Government response to the Transport Committee scrutiny of the draft NPS. The Government has also published “The proposed expansion of Heathrow: a summary” and a non-technical summary of the Appraisal of Sustainability to provide an overview of these documents.

To assist readers, the Government has published change logs of amendments made to the NPS and the Appraisal of Sustainability since published for further consultation on 24 October. In addition we have published: a Habitats Regulations Assessment, an Equality Assessment, and a Health Impact Analysis, each accompanied by change logs listing amendments made since consultation; a report from the Independent consultation advisor on the October consultation; a summary of the responses to the October consultation; the Government’s response to the two public consultations; nine regional fact sheets; the key findings of an external report on Heathrow Airport Limited’s (HAL) delivery plans; an external review of proposed the capacities of HAL's north-west runway and Heathrow Hub Limited’s extended northern runway; and a new Addendum to the “Updated Appraisal Report: Airport Capacity in the South-East”.

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