Environment Protection

(asked on 8th February 2021) - View Source

Question to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy:

To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, with reference to the Government's Ten point plan for a green industrial revolution, published on 18 November 2020, which infrastructure projects will be funded as part of that plan; how funding for that plan will be distributed across Government departments; and what the planned timescale is for that funding to be spent.

Answered by
Anne-Marie Trevelyan Portrait
Anne-Marie Trevelyan
This question was answered on 16th February 2021

Spanning clean energy, buildings, transport, nature and innovative technologies, the Ten Point Plan will mobilise £12 billion of government investment to unlock three times as much private sector investment by 2030; level up regions across the UK; and support up to 250,000 highly-skilled green jobs. The wide range of sectors with funding outlined in the Ten Point Plan span across Government Departments, including BEIS, DfT and DEFRA and further details of funding will be published over the course of this year through a number of sectoral strategies as well as a Net Zero Strategy.

This includes a range of infrastructure projects funded through the Ten Point Plan. For example, we will be supporting the Offshore Wind industry, investing £160 million into modern ports and manufacturing infrastructure. We are currently running a competitive process to support the development of a large coastal manufacturing site for offshore wind. The deadline for applications was 8th January and we are currently assessing the proposals received.

We will also be investing £1 billion through the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Infrastructure Fund which will provide industry with the certainty required to deploy CCUS at pace and at scale. Decisions have not yet been taken on how the Fund will be allocated. In parallel we will continue to develop and implement the necessary CCUS business models to enable deployment and unlock private sector investment in CCUS across power, industry and hydrogen production.

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