
(asked on 1st May 2018) - View Source

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what assessment he has made of the importance of general aviation to the UK's national infrastructure; and if he will make a statement.

Answered by
Jesse Norman Portrait
Jesse Norman
Shadow Leader of the House of Commons
This question was answered on 10th May 2018

The Government recognises the importance of the General Aviation sector and its infrastructure. To this end, the Government has appointed Byron Davies as General Aviation Champion.

Mr Davies has been tasked with advising on the development of the sector, and of the role it plays within the UK’s economy and society. At the end of 2018 he will deliver a report on the state and future potential of general aviation. He is being assisted by York Aviation, which the Department has commissioned to carry out research on airfields of strategic significance.

The Civil Aviation Authority has published specific guidance on how an aerodrome should seek approval for airspace changes relating to the deployment of GPS-based technologies. This guidance, which is currently under review, includes the requirement for a safety case. The review is intended to align the guidance with CAP 1616 Airspace Design: Guidance on the regulatory process for changing airspace design including community engagement requirements, which was issued in December 2017.

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