Government Departments: Procurement

(asked on 7th December 2022) - View Source

Question to the Cabinet Office:

To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office, what steps the Government will take to ensure adherence to the Construction Playbook.

Answered by
Alex Burghart Portrait
Alex Burghart
Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
This question was answered on 13th December 2022

To support departments in implementing the Construction Playbook, the Cabinet Office offers in-person training sessions and an eLearning module that covers the key principles. Departments are also able to bid for additional commercial resources to support live procurements. This is targeted, short-term specialist support to upskill teams through ‘on the job experience’ where we work with project teams to ensure they adhere to the playbook principles.

Cabinet Office is also encouraging adherence by working with departments to improve their pipelines, and making use of these to identify early opportunities to offer support in implementation of Playbook principles. This is complemented by work with senior sponsors in each of the key construction departments to identify areas to offer greater support, or to identify challenging areas where more guidance or training is required. Finally, compliance with the Playbook principles is assessed on a ‘comply or explain’ basis as part of the Cabinet Office commercial controls process.

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