Oral Answers to Questions

Debate between Theresa Villiers and Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard
Wednesday 8th June 2016

(8 years, 2 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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I can certainly agree with the right hon. Gentleman on those sentiments. It is a continuing tragedy that so many people in Northern Ireland are injured or murdered as a result of these brutal paramilitary-style assaults. My initial reaction to the panel’s report is to welcome it. I think it makes many good points, and I very much look forward to working with the Northern Ireland Executive as they develop their strategy in response to this important report.

Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard Portrait Tom Elliott (Fermanagh and South Tyrone) (UUP)
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Following on from that, yesterday’s panel report publication suggests that the PSNI has chosen to engage with some known terrorists rather than arrest them. How concerned is the Secretary of State about that assertion?

Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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The panel makes reference to certain contacts that have taken place on an informal basis with some of these groupings. The panel’s report sets out a road map to seeing an end to those kinds of interactions. It is something that we shall work towards in the future because we do not want these organisations to exist any more.

Oral Answers to Questions

Debate between Theresa Villiers and Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard
Wednesday 20th April 2016

(8 years, 4 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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I would be very happy to do that. I enjoyed my visit to the Peace Centre, and I have the highest regard for the work done by the centre and its various programmes to support the victims of Northern Ireland terrorism and other victims.

Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard Portrait Tom Elliott (Fermanagh and South Tyrone) (UUP)
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How much cognisance—[Interruption.]

Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard Portrait Tom Elliott
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How much recognition and cognisance does the Secretary of State give to victims’ groups representing innocent victims in Northern Ireland?

Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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I have met a wide range of groups representing victims in Northern Ireland. It is very important that we listen to their point of view in attempting to reach a consensus on how we best address the legacy of the past and establish the Stormont House institutions.

Oral Answers to Questions

Debate between Theresa Villiers and Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard
Wednesday 20th January 2016

(8 years, 7 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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In Northern Ireland, huge efforts are being made by the PSNI to prevent the border from being exploited by criminals, and those efforts will be enhanced by the new joint agency taskforce, building on the excellent work already done by the police services both north and south of the border in recent years.

Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard Portrait Tom Elliott (Fermanagh and South Tyrone) (UUP)
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How concerned is the Secretary of State about the lack of convictions for fuel smuggling and, in particular, fuel laundering in Northern Ireland and the border regions?

Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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Obviously, everyone would like to see more convictions. A crucial aspect of the fresh start agreement is the Executive’s commitment to measures that will reduce the time that it takes to bring people to trial, because convictions are more likely to be secured if trials take place in a timely manner. I am sure the Executive will take the implementation of that crucial part of the agreement very seriously.

Oral Answers to Questions

Debate between Theresa Villiers and Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard
Wednesday 25th November 2015

(8 years, 9 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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Those groups have lethal intent and lethal capability. They have been responsible for 150 national security attacks over the past five years. The threat from those groups is being suppressed by highly effective activity in the PSNI, aided in many instances by the Garda Síochána in cross-border activities.

Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard Portrait Tom Elliott (Fermanagh and South Tyrone) (UUP)
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How concerned is the Secretary of State that the IRA army council is still in place and that IRA members are still murdering citizens on our streets?

Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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It is entirely unacceptable that any paramilitary organisations continue to exist in Northern Ireland. I believe that the fresh start agreement will mark a turning point and put us on the path to a day when those organisations are consigned once and for all to Northern Ireland’s past and have nothing to do with its present or its future.

Northern Ireland Political Agreement

Debate between Theresa Villiers and Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard
Thursday 19th November 2015

(8 years, 9 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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The Government’s position is that we will give the final go ahead for the devolution of corporation tax once the conditions on financial sustainability in the Stormont House agreement are met. We have already passed the legislation to enable us to do that. We just need commencement of that legislation to enable the transfer of power to take place. The agreement published this week sets out the aim of the Northern Ireland Executive to deliver a reduced rate of corporation tax operating from April 2018. I know that we are all working on that and hoping that that target date will be met.

Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard Portrait Tom Elliott (Fermanagh and South Tyrone) (UUP)
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I thank the Secretary of State for bringing forward her statement today. May I, too, pass on some words to Peter Robinson to wish him well in his retirement and in future years?

In her statement, the Secretary of State suggested that the involvement of members of the Provisional IRA in a murder in Belfast led to the conclusion that it was necessary to convene a fresh round of cross-party talks. How concerned is she now that all those involved in the discussions, including Her Majesty’s Government, the Irish Government, the Democratic Unionist party, the Social Democratic and Labour party, the Ulster Unionist party, the Alliance party and others, all accept that the IRA is still in place, but Sinn Féin does not?

Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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The crucial issue is that all participants in the talks process are absolutely clear that there is no justification whatever for paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland, that they must all disband, and that for that to happen we need not just a surge in criminal justice activity, but a broad approach that embraces the whole community in working for the day when those organisations are consigned to Northern Ireland’s past rather than its present.

Paramilitary Groups (Northern Ireland)

Debate between Theresa Villiers and Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard
Tuesday 20th October 2015

(8 years, 10 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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Naturally, with criminal and paramilitary activity it is not easy to get an entirely clear picture. Of course, a key element of the talks will be deciding what further process of verification is needed. There has been considerable discussion of reviving a body similar to the Independent Monitoring Commission. I think that is a useful point for discussion, and I am sure that the parties will be considering it in the coming days.

Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard Portrait Tom Elliott (Fermanagh and South Tyrone) (UUP)
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I thank the Secretary of State for her statement. I know that she has tried to put as positive a spin as possible on the report, but it confirms that the report by the Chief Constable of the PSNI two months ago was accurate, that the IRA is still in place, that IRA members murdered Kevin McGuigan and that they are still involved in paramilitary and criminal activity. It actually goes further and gives more information, indicating that the IRA army council is still in place and that it oversees the IRA and Sinn Féin’s overarching strategy. Will she now indicate whether Sinn Féin accepts that the IRA is still in place, and does she accept that the IRA and Sinn Féin continue to be inextricably linked?

Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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It will not surprise the hon. Gentleman to hear that I am unable to speak for Sinn Féin—no doubt it will provide its own response to the report—but I also take issue with him, because I am not trying to put any spin on the assessment. Today of all days, we need people to read the report and consider it objectively. Yes, there is a great deal in it to be very concerned about, but we need to use it as an opportunity to reflect on how we deal with the problem and on what more needs to be done to ensure that Northern Ireland makes progress. I have acknowledged that the situation is serious and that the task will not be easy, but I think that it is a task that can be achieved. Northern Ireland’s leaders have shown in the past that they are capable of grappling with this very difficult kind of issue.

Northern Ireland

Debate between Theresa Villiers and Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard
Tuesday 15th September 2015

(8 years, 11 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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Such matters will clearly have to be discussed in the talks, but whatever process is ultimately set up, we must take into account the point that my hon. Friend has made.

Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard Portrait Tom Elliott (Fermanagh and South Tyrone) (UUP)
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I thank the Secretary of State for her statement. I, too, welcome back the hon. Member for Gedling (Vernon Coaker) as shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. I also welcome his comments on the issue of consent in relation to the people of Northern Ireland, and I look forward to that being repeated by his party leader and the shadow Chancellor.

The Secretary of State will be aware that very few cases of criminality have been brought by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs for fuel laundering and tobacco and alcohol contraband products. Is the Secretary of State willing to engage the National Crime Agency in tackling the issue of criminal and organised paramilitary activity? It is an international issue, because some of those concerned come from the Republic of Ireland jurisdiction. I hope that the Secretary of State will ensure that they are not let off the hook by making sure that the Garda Síochana is also involved in tackling such criminality.

Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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The hon. Gentleman is right to raise matters relating to HMRC and the National Crime Agency, as well as law enforcement bodies south of the border. They all have a hugely important part to play in tackling organised crime, criminality and cross-border crime, and I know that they are making every possible effort. I will engage with my colleagues across government who have responsibility for such bodies to see whether we can do more to ensure that we do everything we can to combat criminality and cross-border crime.

Northern Ireland: Political Situation

Debate between Theresa Villiers and Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard
Tuesday 8th September 2015

(8 years, 11 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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One reason we do not think that it would be right to move to suspend is the difficulty in getting things up and running at the end of a period of direct rule. As I have said, it is not part of our plan and we hope to see a successful outcome to the talks so that that question goes away.

Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard Portrait Tom Elliott (Fermanagh and South Tyrone) (UUP)
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I welcome the Secretary of State’s statement today. Obviously, there is a lot of bad faith and bad trust in the entire process in Northern Ireland. Whether through Sinn Féin supporting the Stormont House proposals on welfare reform and then reneging on that agreement some three months later, or as a result of members of the IRA who have murdered people on our streets in Northern Ireland, there is a lot of bad faith. I note that the Secretary of State said that she will initiate the voluntary exit scheme for the Northern Ireland civil service. Is that the start of the Secretary of State’s process of returning powers to Her Majesty’s Government in Westminster, or is that something separate?

Theresa Villiers Portrait Mrs Villiers
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That is a separate issue. We have always said that the Stormont House agreement is a package and that if one part of it falls, the rest of it falls. Most of the financial package has not been delivered yet and we would look carefully at the implementation of the rest of the agreement before we could deliver it. For the VES to happen we needed a decision, as people were going through the scheme and expecting to leave their roles from the end of the month. That is why we pressed ahead and will release the funding to enable that to go ahead. Let me make one last point on welfare reform. I want to thank the UUP, the DUP and the Alliance for voting for financial sustainability in the Assembly. I know that it was not an easy choice and I thank them for their responsibility.