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Written Question
Dogs: Public Places
Friday 22nd March 2024

Asked by: Steve McCabe (Labour - Birmingham, Selly Oak)

Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, whether he has made an assessment of the potential merits of legislating to compel dogs to be put on leads in public places.

Answered by Mark Spencer

There is a balance to be struck between protecting the wider public and their animals from dog attacks, the freedom people enjoy when walking their dogs, and the welfare of those dogs including the freedom to exhibit normal behaviours. We currently have no plans to legislate to compel dogs to be on leads in public places.

The Code of Practice for the Welfare of Dogs already states that it is best practice to keep dogs on leads around other animals. It is also an offence under the Road Traffic Act 1988 to allow a dog to be on a designated road unless it is on a lead.

Under the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014, enforcement authorities have powers to make Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) insisting dogs are kept on leads in certain areas. Where a dog has been involved in anti-social behaviour, enforcement authorities can also issue community protection notices which could require a dog to be kept on a lead in public.

Written Question
Marine Protected Areas: Fisheries
Monday 21st November 2022

Asked by: Steve McCabe (Labour - Birmingham, Selly Oak)

Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, pursuant to the answer of 19 October 2022 to Question 61290 on Fisheries, what assessment he has made of the potential merits of immediately prohibiting destructive fishing in all Marine Protected Areas.

Answered by Mark Spencer

I refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave to the hon. Member for Ealing Central and Acton, on 23 September 2022, PQ UIN 51856.

Written Question
Pets: Animal Welfare
Monday 7th November 2022

Asked by: Steve McCabe (Labour - Birmingham, Selly Oak)

Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, what steps her Department is taking to reduce the number of pets abandoned by families as a result of the rising cost of living.

Answered by Rebecca Pow

HM Government is concerned about the impact of rising bills on all aspects of people's lives and businesses, including the costs associated with companion animal welfare. Defra remains in close contact with animal welfare organisations and meets them regularly to understand issues that are affecting the sector, including any increase of abandonment rates.

Sector groups are closely monitoring the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and identifying where more support may be needed. We welcome the support they are providing through pet food banks and financial support with veterinary treatment during these difficult times which is helping to reduce the pressure on pet owners.

Written Question
Fireworks: Environment Protection
Wednesday 22nd January 2020

Asked by: Steve McCabe (Labour - Birmingham, Selly Oak)

Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, what recent steps his Department has taken to reduce the effect of fireworks on the local environment.

Answered by Rebecca Pow

The Fireworks Act 2003 and the Fireworks Regulations 2004 govern the use of fireworks, including possession of fireworks and the use of fireworks between certain hours. The enforcement of the Fireworks Regulations is the responsibility of the police, and responsibility for the legislation lies with Department for Business, Innovation & Skills.

The Office for Product Safety and Standards has been working to develop a fact-based evidence base on the key issues that have been raised around fireworks, which includes environmental impact. The aim of the evidence base is to build a full picture of the data around fireworks in order to identify what action - if any - is appropriate.

Written Question
Carbon Emissions
Friday 1st November 2019

Asked by: Steve McCabe (Labour - Birmingham, Selly Oak)

Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, with reference to Office for National Statistics publication of 21 October 2019, The decoupling of economic growth from carbon emissions: UK evidence, what steps the Government plans to take to tackle the UK's status as the largest per capita net importer of carbon dioxide emissions in the G7.

Answered by Lord Goldsmith of Richmond Park

On 27 June, the UK Government set a legally binding target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions from across the UK economy by 2050. This made the UK the first major economy to set a net zero target in law, ending the UK’s contribution to global warming in three decades.

The Government seeks to support more sustainable patterns of consumption and production by moving towards a more circular economy. This will help reduce carbon emissions related to consumption of imported goods as well as those produced domestically. Our Resources & Waste Strategy (RWS), published in December 2018, sets out how we will do this. We will also publish an indicator framework for the RWS later this year, which will include an indicator on consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions for England.

On 15 October, the Government introduced the landmark Environment Bill to Parliament to tackle the biggest environmental priorities of our time. The Bill builds on this Government’s commitments to protect the environment set out in our 25 Year Environment Plan. Legislation to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and hosting the climate-focused COP26 in 2020 will keep the UK at the forefront of international work on these issues.

To ensure environmental protection the Environment Bill will establish a new Office for Environment Protection, which will have a statutory duty to monitor progress in improving the natural environment, including on climate change.

Written Question
Plastics: Waste
Thursday 11th October 2018

Asked by: Steve McCabe (Labour - Birmingham, Selly Oak)

Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, what assessment he has made of the potential effect of a ban on the sale of (a) plastic straws, (b) plastic stirrers and (c) plastic-stemmed cotton buds on wholesalers that stock those items.

Answered by Thérèse Coffey

This Government is a world leader in tackling plastic waste. The Prime Minister launched the Department’s 25 Year Environment Plan on 11 January and pledged to eliminate all avoidable plastic waste. At the Commonwealth Heads of Government Summit in April, the Prime Minister announced that subject to a consultation to be launched by Defra later this year, there will be a ban on the sale/supply of plastic straws, drink stirrers and plastic-stemmed cotton buds in England. Work is underway with a consultation due to be launched soon. Policy proposals will be subject to an impact assessment.

The Government is aware of the interest in biodegradable plastics. We will seek further evidence in our consultation to check whether assumptions on recyclability and degradation are correct. We also welcome views on whether it is likely that technical innovations in compostable or biodegradable plastics might improve their environmental or economic value.

Written Question
Plastics: Waste
Thursday 11th October 2018

Asked by: Steve McCabe (Labour - Birmingham, Selly Oak)

Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, whether PLA biodegradable straws will be included in the proposed consultation on a ban on single use plastic products.

Answered by Thérèse Coffey

This Government is a world leader in tackling plastic waste. The Prime Minister launched the Department’s 25 Year Environment Plan on 11 January and pledged to eliminate all avoidable plastic waste. At the Commonwealth Heads of Government Summit in April, the Prime Minister announced that subject to a consultation to be launched by Defra later this year, there will be a ban on the sale/supply of plastic straws, drink stirrers and plastic-stemmed cotton buds in England. Work is underway with a consultation due to be launched soon. Policy proposals will be subject to an impact assessment.

The Government is aware of the interest in biodegradable plastics. We will seek further evidence in our consultation to check whether assumptions on recyclability and degradation are correct. We also welcome views on whether it is likely that technical innovations in compostable or biodegradable plastics might improve their environmental or economic value.

Written Question
Plastics: Waste
Thursday 11th October 2018

Asked by: Steve McCabe (Labour - Birmingham, Selly Oak)

Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, what the timeframe is for the publication of the consultation document on a ban on the sale of plastic (a) straws, (b) stirrers and (c) stemmed cotton buds.

Answered by Thérèse Coffey

This Government is a world leader in tackling plastic waste. The Prime Minister launched the Department’s 25 Year Environment Plan on 11 January and pledged to eliminate all avoidable plastic waste. At the Commonwealth Heads of Government Summit in April, the Prime Minister announced that subject to a consultation to be launched by Defra later this year, there will be a ban on the sale/supply of plastic straws, drink stirrers and plastic-stemmed cotton buds in England. Work is underway with a consultation due to be launched soon. Policy proposals will be subject to an impact assessment.

The Government is aware of the interest in biodegradable plastics. We will seek further evidence in our consultation to check whether assumptions on recyclability and degradation are correct. We also welcome views on whether it is likely that technical innovations in compostable or biodegradable plastics might improve their environmental or economic value.

Written Question
Livestock: Exports
Monday 25th June 2018

Asked by: Steve McCabe (Labour - Birmingham, Selly Oak)

Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, what plans he has to ensure that the proposed ban on live animal exports will prevent live exports for the purpose of fattening.

Answered by George Eustice

The Government has always been clear that it would prefer animals to be slaughtered close to the point of production. Our manifesto made it clear that we would take early steps to control the export of live farm animals for slaughter, once we leave the European Union (EU).

We recently launched a call for evidence on the control of live animal exports for slaughter and on improving animal welfare during transport for all purposes including fattening after the UK leaves the EU. The call for evidence closed on 22 May 2018 and we are currently analysing the responses. The Government has also asked the Farm Animal Welfare Committee (FAWC) to look at what improvements could be made to the transport regulatory regime for all animals and for all purposes, we hope to receive the recommendations from the FAWC later in the year.

Written Question
Food Supply
Friday 4th May 2018

Asked by: Steve McCabe (Labour - Birmingham, Selly Oak)

Question to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, pursuant to the Answer of 15 March to Question 132028 on Food Supply, whether his Department has made contingency plans in the event that the required flow of food goods from the EU is not achieved.

Answered by George Eustice

The Government is pursuing a unique and ambitious economic partnership that provides the greatest possible tariff free and frictionless trade with the EU.

The UK’s favourable food security is built on access to a diverse range of sources of supply, including domestic production. This will continue to be the case after leaving the EU, even if the source of some UK food supply changes. Food supply is highly resilient with flexibility throughout the supply chain, and industry can respond quickly to ensure ongoing supply.

Defra has longstanding mechanisms in place to work with the food industry. Our industry sector working group can jointly implement contingency plans if required. This comprises food chain Trade Associations and relevant Government Departments including Devolved Administrations and agencies.

Defra is working closely with other Government departments, including the cross-Government Border Delivery Group (BDG), which provides oversight and assurance of departmental plans for managing the border-related impacts of leaving the EU both for Day 1 and beyond. Planning work aims to ensure three key objectives for the border are delivered: maintaining security; facilitating the flow of goods and people; revenue protection. In addition, we are working to ensure that the necessary systems and processes are in place so that trade continues to flow smoothly after we leave.