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Written Question
Veterans: Asbestos
Wednesday 31st March 2021

Asked by: Stephen Morgan (Labour - Portsmouth South)

Question to the Cabinet Office:

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office, what recent assessment he has made of the number of veterans that have developed lung cancer as a result of their exposure to asbestos.

Answered by Johnny Mercer

As I stated in my answer given to the hon. Member on 11 January 2021, the MOD’s Health Safety and Environmental Protection directorate, alongside the Defence People function will work with the Office for Veterans’ Affairs to explore potential health issues related to exposure to asbestos during service, and to continue to coordinate MOD's asbestos management approach. Claims for compensation in respect of injuries or illnesses arising as a result of service can be made by veterans through the Ministry of Defence.

Speech in Commons Chamber - Thu 25 Mar 2021
Oral Answers to Questions

Speech Link

View all Stephen Morgan (Lab - Portsmouth South) contributions to the debate on: Oral Answers to Questions

Speech in Commons Chamber - Thu 25 Mar 2021
Oral Answers to Questions

Speech Link

View all Stephen Morgan (Lab - Portsmouth South) contributions to the debate on: Oral Answers to Questions

Speech in Public Bill Committees - Thu 25 Mar 2021
Armed Forces Bill (First sitting)

Speech Link

View all Stephen Morgan (Lab - Portsmouth South) contributions to the debate on: Armed Forces Bill (First sitting)

Speech in Public Bill Committees - Thu 25 Mar 2021
Armed Forces Bill (First sitting)

Speech Link

View all Stephen Morgan (Lab - Portsmouth South) contributions to the debate on: Armed Forces Bill (First sitting)

Speech in Public Bill Committees - Thu 25 Mar 2021
Armed Forces Bill (First sitting)

Speech Link

View all Stephen Morgan (Lab - Portsmouth South) contributions to the debate on: Armed Forces Bill (First sitting)

Speech in Public Bill Committees - Thu 25 Mar 2021
Armed Forces Bill (First sitting)

Speech Link

View all Stephen Morgan (Lab - Portsmouth South) contributions to the debate on: Armed Forces Bill (First sitting)

Written Question
Coronavirus: Disease Control
Thursday 25th March 2021

Asked by: Stephen Morgan (Labour - Portsmouth South)

Question to the Cabinet Office:

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office, what the scientific basis was for the decision to allow children's playgrounds to remain open while closing outdoor sports courts during the 2021 covid-19 lockdown.

Answered by Penny Mordaunt

Throughout the pandemic, we have consistently adapted our response as we have learnt more about the virus and how best to tackle it. Decisions on when to lift restrictions, and in which order, seek to strike a balance between the epidemiological evidence and advice, the impact lockdown is having on people’s health (including mental health and disproportionate impacts on certain groups), wellbeing, and the economy. Scientific evidence supporting the government response to coronavirus is regularly published here -

On 22 February the Government published its 'COVID-19 Response - Spring 2021'

roadmap to recovery. The roadmap outlines four steps for cautiously easing restrictions across England. The first measures of Step 1 took place on the 8th March. Schools breaking up for the Easter holidays will provide an opportunity for further, limited relaxation particularly in outdoor settings where there is less risk. Therefore from 29 March, outdoor sports and leisure facilities will reopen and organised sport (for adults and children) will resume.

The design of the roadmap has been informed by the latest scientific evidence and seeks a balance between our key social and economic priorities, whilst preserving the health and safety of our country.

Written Question
Coronavirus: Weddings
Tuesday 23rd March 2021

Asked by: Stephen Morgan (Labour - Portsmouth South)

Question to the Cabinet Office:

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office, if his Department will take steps to clarify that weddings with six guests can take place from 8 March 2021 in public-facing communications.

Answered by Penny Mordaunt

Guidance for small marriages and civil partnerships was published on 22 March and can be found here -

We recognise that any restrictions on wedding venues may be disappointing for those planning such events, but we have to take necessary steps to limit transmission of COVID-19. This includes the closure of some settings and restrictions on social contact, including wedding and civil partnership ceremonies. By their very nature, weddings and civil partnership ceremonies are events that bring families and friends together, making them particularly vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19. We appreciate the sacrifices people have had to make across the COVID-19 pandemic and we do not wish to keep any restrictions in place longer than we need to.

In the COVID-19 Response - Spring 2021, the Government has set out the gradual and cautious approach to reopening in England, guided by science and the data, including the staged return of weddings and civil partnerships, as well as sporting events.

In order to inform the pace and sequencing of the roadmap, the Government commissioned advice and modelling from SAGE and its sub-groups. Scientific evidence supporting the government response to coronavirus is regularly published here -

Written Question
Veterans: Mental Health Services
Monday 8th March 2021

Asked by: Stephen Morgan (Labour - Portsmouth South)

Question to the Cabinet Office:

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office, how much funding the Government allocated to veteran’s mental health in 2020-21; and how much it plans to allocate in 2021-22.

Answered by Johnny Mercer

The Government is committed to providing the necessary support for our Veterans. The vast majority of veterans currently access mental health services available to the general population. For veteran specific mental health services, in 2020-2021 NHS England provided £16.5m, which will be increased to £17.8m for 2021-2022, alongside the launch of the new High Intensity Service across England and Op Courage pathway for accessing all veterans’ mental health services within NHS England.

Service charities are supported by the Government through the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, which benefits from £10m annually, and in both years an additional £10m has been allocated to support veterans’ mental health needs. During 2020, the COVID-19 Impact Fund has provided nearly £6m in grants to over 100 Armed Forces charities across the United Kingdom. Of the charities awarded funding, 68% of grants sampled supported members of the Armed Forces and veterans’ community for mental health and crisis support, and 77% for easing isolation and loneliness.