Karma. https://t.co/oy3Ifj4hjg
Privileges Committee Accidentally Publishes Witnesses' Private Data – Guido Fawkes https://t.co/N8TrNYvdOR
When todays show trial is over, there are serious questions to be asked about a process which operates outside of the law, abandons Erskine May and all conventions which provide the customary framework Parliament operates within. Now that E&M has been disposed of, it’s a free for… https://t.co/JRPrQkgiZd
There is a horrible hatred and sickness which resides in the heart of some people who are so partisan and so politically obsessed, they lose all sense of humanity. You are beyond help or hope. https://t.co/IPqoobDptM
@hijakejohnstone @DavidRobson84 😂
⬇️ @BorisJohnson did not knowingly mislead Parliament. https://t.co/cmOgNKTATl
Excellent summary. Boris Johnson denies 'recklessly' misleading MPs in Partygate dossier | Daily Mail Online https://t.co/hb4lcHqxam
Respected constitutional expert Sir Vernon Bogdanor says Harriet Harman should recuse herself from the privileges committee and argues the process is unfair Boris Johnson deserves a fair trial. https://t.co/I9qzglBEgL
And therefore there is obviously a serious problem with a committee which elects as it’s chair someone who has stated a strong position of bias and an assumption guilt before even hearing the evidence. Imagine if this was a court of law and HH was judge? This is a farce. https://t.co/xVzW9SJ7Rj