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Written Question
Monday 9th September 2024

Asked by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, with reference to her Department’s open consultation entitled proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system, published on 2 August 2024, what steps she plans to take to help local authorities promote healthy living.

Answered by Matthew Pennycook - Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)

As part of the consultation on proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework, we are seeking views on how national planning policy could better support local authorities in promoting healthy communities, and specifically, in tackling childhood obesity.

The Framework already expects policies at the local level to aim to achieve healthy places. We are considering how to ensure a more consistent approach is taken, for example, in relation to controlling hot food takeaways near schools.

The consultation is open until 24 September and we will use the responses we receive to inform future steps.

Written Question
Recreation Spaces
Monday 9th September 2024

Asked by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, with reference to her Department’s open consultation entitled proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system, published on 2 August 2024, if she will make an assessment of the potential merits of extending compulsory purchase compensation rules to allow local authorities to procure land for use as (a) parks and (b) playing fields.

Answered by Matthew Pennycook - Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)

Local authorities have powers under the Local Government Act 1972, Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and Education Act 1996 to compulsory purchase land for parks and playing fields providing there is a compelling case in the public interest. Compensation paid will reflect open market value. Under compensation rules, any increase or decrease in value caused by the compulsory purchase must be discounted from the open market value of the land taken.

Local authorities acquiring land under the Education Act 1996 can seek directions from the Secretary of State to remove ‘hope value’ from compensation where justified in the public interest. They can also seek directions to remove hope value when acquiring land under the Local Government Act 1972 or Town and Country Planning Act 1990 providing the use of the land will include provision of affordable housing. For example, a mixed-use scheme including mixed tenure housing, parks, open spaces.

Further reform of compulsory purchase compensation rules will be included in the forthcoming Planning and Infrastructure Bill. Announcements on the timing of that Bill will be made in the normal way in due course.

Written Question
Compulsory Purchase
Monday 9th September 2024

Asked by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, with reference to page 17 of the Kings Speech 2024 background briefing notes, published on 17 July 2024, what her planned timetable is for delivering proposed reforms to compulsory purchase compensation rules.

Answered by Matthew Pennycook - Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government)

Announcements on the timing of the introduction of the Planning and Infrastructure Bill will be made in the normal way in due course.

Written Question
Construction: Architecture
Tuesday 23rd April 2024

Asked by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, if he will make it his policy to facilitate greater involvement of architects in the development stage of new housing schemes.

Answered by Lee Rowley

National planning policy makes clear that local authorities should prepare their own local design codes in line with the principles set out in the National Design Guide and National Model Design Code, which can define what well-designed new development means in their local area.

The NPPF and supporting National Design Guide and National Model Design Code emphasise that effective engagement between local authorities, communities, applicants and other interests, such as architects, throughout the design process, including the preparation of design codes, is helpful to achieving well designed and sustainable new development.

Written Question
Housing: Construction
Tuesday 23rd April 2024

Asked by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, what steps his Department is taking to help ensure standards of (a) quality and (b) sustainability in new housing developments.

Answered by Lee Rowley

The Government legislated through the Building Safety Act 2022 to provide for a statutory New Homes Ombudsman and accompanying Code of Practice that set out expectations of scheme members around standards of conduct and standards of quality of work.

Written Question
Building Regulations: Fires
Monday 27th November 2023

Asked by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, with reference to his Department's workplan for a technical review of the fire safety guidance provided in Approved Document B, when he plans to publish an update on progress of the trigger heights and thresholds workstream.

Answered by Lee Rowley

The Technical Review of Approved Document B was published on 6 June 2022. Research on the property protection workstream has been completed; research commissioned under the trigger heights and thresholds workstream is nearing completion. Government will consider findings and will publish the research and an update on the workstream in due course.

Written Question
Building Regulations: Fire Prevention
Monday 27th November 2023

Asked by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, with reference his Department's workplan for a technical review of the fire safety guidance provided in Approved Document B, when he plans to publish an update on progress of the property protection workstream.

Answered by Lee Rowley

The Technical Review of Approved Document B was published on 6 June 2022. Research on the property protection workstream has been completed; research commissioned under the trigger heights and thresholds workstream is nearing completion. Government will consider findings and will publish the research and an update on the workstream in due course.

Written Question
Tuesday 30th May 2023

Asked by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, whether (a) National Development Management Plans, (b) local development plans and (c) the National Planning Policy Framework have planning primacy under the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill.

Answered by Rachel Maclean

The proposals set out in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill mean that planning applications would in future be decided in accordance with policies contained in the development plan for the area, and any applicable National Development Management Policies, unless material considerations strongly indicate otherwise.

Written Question
Housing: Young People
Thursday 26th January 2023

Asked by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, what estimate he has made of the number of adults aged under 25 in England who live in housing that is overcrowded.

Answered by Lucy Frazer

The English Housing Survey provides our best estimates of the conditions, circumstances, and energy efficiency of the English housing stock. The report is available online here.

The department does not publish breakdowns of estimates of overcrowding by age of household reference person.

Written Question
Housing: Young People
Thursday 26th January 2023

Asked by: Munira Wilson (Liberal Democrat - Twickenham)

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, what estimate he has made of the number of adults aged under 25 in England who live in housing that is classified by his Department as a non-decent home.

Answered by Lucy Frazer

The English Housing Survey provides our best estimates of the conditions, circumstances, and energy efficiency of the English housing stock. The report is available online here.

The department does not publish breakdowns of estimates of overcrowding by age of household reference person.