Twitter sphere; another ask. Does anyone know where I can source (buy or borrow) some @theSNP car flags? c20. Thanks.
@LetAlbaFlourish Oh, that is SO kind! I shall tweet a picture when he is bedecked. As far as I am concerned my wee dug is a major vote-winner! Thank you
@DickWinchester Yes, proper mutual bank with small business at its heart would be good
@HughesHouston14 that's v kind - I managed to get one though. Regards, Michelle
@BagPurse Got it - thanks!
@ScottoHarden Got one here:
@MerchSaltire @michellekerr61 Got one thanks!
@Ospreychick Tried there; don’t have any...
@Kira11268012 Only selling masks as far as I can see. Thanks though.
@michellekerr61 @MerchSaltire Didn’t see any there. Thanks though