Syria: UK Military Action Debate

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Department: Leader of the House

Syria: UK Military Action

Lord Taylor of Holbeach Excerpts
Wednesday 2nd December 2015

(8 years, 9 months ago)

Lords Chamber
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Baroness Stowell of Beeston Portrait Baroness Stowell of Beeston
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That this House takes note of Her Majesty’s Government’s proposals for military action against ISIL in Syria.

Lord Taylor of Holbeach Portrait Lord Taylor of Holbeach (Con)
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My Lords, with the leave of the House, it may be helpful if I make a brief business statement regarding our proceedings this afternoon. There are 64 Back-Bench Members who wish to speak in our debate today. If contributions are limited to four minutes each, we would expect the winding speeches to start at about 9 pm. This would allow the House to make its contribution to the debate before the House of Commons vote on the Government’s proposals, which is expected to be at about 10 o’clock. I remind noble Lords that the clocks are set at zero when they rise to speak and that when the clock shows “4” the full four minutes will have elapsed—so if you see “4”, your time is up. The Whips have been instructed to deal firmly with noble Lords who exceed the speaking time. In the circumstances, I therefore ask noble Lords to be restrained in intervening on speakers.

Lord Campbell-Savours Portrait Lord Campbell-Savours (Lab)
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My Lords, if speeches overshoot, what will happen at 9.30 pm?

Lord Taylor of Holbeach Portrait Lord Taylor of Holbeach
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I think I can count on this House to show good sense in the way in which it deals with a very important subject. We all have a collective interest in allowing everyone who has indicated a wish to do so to have their say. The whole purpose of this statement is to encourage the House to exercise self-restraint in doing so.