Lord Paddick Portrait

Lord Paddick

Non-affiliated - Life peer

Became Member: 12th September 2013

Lord Paddick is not a member of any APPGs
4 Former APPG memberships
Drug Policy Reform, Knife Crime, Knife Crime and Violence Reduction, Rowing
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Home Affairs)
1st Jun 2015 - 9th Oct 2023

Division Voting information

During the current Parliament, Lord Paddick has voted in 0 divisions, and never against the majority of their Party.
View All Lord Paddick Division Votes

Debates during the 2024 Parliament

Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.

Sparring Partners
View All Sparring Partners
Department Debates
Home Office
(1 debate contributions)
Ministry of Justice
(1 debate contributions)
View All Department Debates
Legislation Debates
Lord Paddick has not made any spoken contributions to legislative debate
View all Lord Paddick's debates

Lords initiatives

These initiatives were driven by Lord Paddick, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.

2 Bills introduced by Lord Paddick

A bill to prohibit the publication of certain information regarding persons who have been arrested until they have been charged with an offence; to set out the circumstances where such information can be published without committing an offence; and for connected purposes

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 21st January 2020
(Read Debate)

First reading took place on 7 June. This stage is a formality that signals the start of the Bill's journey through the Lords.Second reading - the general debate on all aspects of the Bill - is yet to be scheduled.The 2016-2017 session of Parliament has prorogued and this Bill will make no further progress. A Bill to amend the Data Protection Act 1998 to make provision about the transparency of privacy notices.

Lords - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading : House Of Lords
Tuesday 7th June 2016

Lord Paddick has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting

Lord Paddick has not asked any Written Questions in the current parliament