Details of the MP expense claim system budgets can be found on the website of the Independent Parliamentary Standard Authority.
Office, Staffing and Accomodation expenses are subject to a budget cap, only travel and subsistence claims are unlimited.
[***] [***] - October - Chambers - [***]-[***] NA Direct Travel Import 22/02/201 Between London & Constituency From: BRISTOL TEMPLE MEADS To: LONDON UND ZONE 1
[***] [***] - Chambers September - [***]-[***] Direct Travel Import 02/11/201 Between London & Constituency From: BRISTOL PARKWAY To: LONDON UND ZONE 1
[***] [***] - Chambers August - [***]-[***] Direct Travel Import 19/09/201 Between London & Constituency From: BRISTOL PARKWAY To: LONDON UNDERGROUND ZONE 1